Thursday, September 19, 2013

WK3 Meaning 2

Here we have a Coca Cola advertisement and I believe this ad represents the three levels of visual design..

Representational: At the bottom of the ad we have the Coca Cola logo. Anyone who has had any sort of experience with this brand before will immediately recognize it. The logo is representational because it represents a real product. Something that exists in the real; something we can touch.

Abstraction: The background imagery acts as an abstraction because while it depicts a real life scene of what seems to me like a sky, rainbow and clouds. In the real world the sky is not red (usually) Rainbows and clouds are usually not seen in this two tone color way. This background image is very minimal and not very details. This background imagery is probably meant to convey that you are in Coca Cola's world.

Symbol: The outline of the bottle is a symbol because even though it may just be an outline, the message it is conveying is clear. It is a coke bottle. Even if you took away all the words and imagery, someone just looking at the bottle would more likely than not recognize the bottle as a coke bottle.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Meaning 1

Abstract: This photo depicts abstraction because just by looking at the form one can recognize that it is a form. It is human and it probably a woman form. This form leaves out major visual clues that can help us recognize what it is but leaves enough that we still understand. There is no head, or arms and legs. The form is shaped like an hour glass which we usually associate with a woman figure. This form depicts any woman and not me or you.

Symbol: This picture signifies a butterfly because the object is shaped just like a typical butterfly we recognize from experience. It is also made from currency which butterflies aren't usually depicted as. It does not specify what species this butterfly may be. Its shape signifies every butterfly.

Representation: The picture represents a cat. More importantly when we see this photo we can recognize this as a house cat. We know from experience that have whiskers and paws which help us recognize what we are looking at. We also know that this is a house cat because wild or big cats are not usually depicted inside a house or wearing a collar. This picture is also taken close up so we can assume that this is a "safe" cat because usually pictures taken of large or wild cats are taken far away or behind a barrier so we do not risk getting hurt.